Effects of Infectious Diseases

Concept Explanation

Effects of Infectious Diseases

The Effects of infectious Diseases: the part of the body that gets affected: Infectious agents enter the body through several places. They may enter through the eyes, nose, mouth, cuts and wounds, and through the sexual organs. The part of the body that gets affected may depend on from where the infectious agent enters. For example, the infectious agents which cause conjunctivitis enter the eye and infect it. Infectious agents who enter through the nose affect the organs of the respiratory system. For example, the virus that causes common cold affects the upper respiratory tract, and the bacteria that cause tuberculosis first affects the lungs.

  • Those infectious agents that enter through the mouth with food and water primarily affect the organs of the digestive system.
  • For example, in cholera and typhoid the intestine is affected, and in hepatitis, the liver is affected.
  • In some cases, the infectious agents multiply in and affect organs that are not directly related to the part of the body through which they enter. For example, the infectious agents that cause malaria and Japanese encephalitis get into human blood through mosquito bite.
  • In the case of Japanese encephalitis, the infectious agent reaches the brain and affects it.
  • In the case of malaria, the infectious agent reaches the liver. After reproducing in the liver, it leaves the organ to infect the red blood cells.
  • Mumps is a viral infection that primarily affects saliva - producing glands that are located near your ears. Mumps can cause swelling in one or both of these glands. Thus, the correct option is B.
  • Common effects of infectious diseases: Whenever the body is attacked by infectious agents, the immune system of the body reacts to defend it. This defensive reaction does not depend upon how the infectious agents entered the body, or where it resides inside the body. In all cases, the body’s immune system sends white blood cells to the place where the infectious agents are. To fight the infectious agents, the white blood cells release some chemicals, setting off chemical reactions. The defensive reaction of the body’s immune system in response to infection or injury is called inflammation. Inflammation is characterized by swelling, reddening, and pain in the affected area of the body, plus an increase in body temperature.



    Signs, symptoms and effects related to the affected organs and tissues: Certain signs and symptoms of an infectious disease depend upon the tissues or organs that are affected. In tuberculosis, the lungs are affected. So there is coughing and breathlessness. In cholera, the intestine is affected. So the patient has stomach ache and passes loose stools. In hepatitis, the liver is affected, which causes yellowing of the skin. In encephalitis, the brain is affected, which causes headache and giddiness. Sometimes, an infectious disease might affect the body in such a way that wide-ranging effects are produced, which are not confined to any particular organ. For example, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) which causes AIDS, attacks and affects the immune system of the body. As a result, the body’s ability to fight infections gets weakened. So the patient gets different kinds of diseases like tuberculosis, pneumonia, hepatitis, certain kinds of cancer, etc. These diseases affect different parts of the body.

    Severity of the effects: In general, the greater the number of infectious agents in the body, the more severe is the effect of the infection. Infectious agents affect the processes inside our body. As they live and multiply inside the body, they may produce substances that are harmful for us. It is obvious that the greater the number of these organisms, the greater is the ill effect on the body. Also, if the infectious agents are not too many, the immune system and medicines may overcome them easily. However, if the infectious agents are large in number, the immune system and medicines take time to overcome them.

    Sample Questions
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    Malaria causing organisms particularly effect which part of a person body ?

    Right Option : D
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    Mumps is viral disease that causes inflammation of _________________

    Right Option : A
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    Right Option : D
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